Here is a selection of short pieces by Pen&Ink members:
A Quantum Wall
In a drab Munich
courtyard dressed in Red Cotton
I see seven bodies
now utterly forgotten
My vision of your
lost future is everywhere
Against a damp
grey wall
You stood seven
standing tall
My eyes now fixed
on you unaware
Six men one woman
your tales of Magic and Titles
Could not save you
from the Soviet Rifles
And a future you
could not prepare
And so my Europe
died on that cold April day
As your blue blood
trickled away
For Europa's
children now despair.
John Parr
They exist
side by side
in separate worlds
converse with eyebrows
and shoulders
the word-starved air between them
as wind-stung leaves
split only occasionally
by barbs
fired and returned
through their silent mediums
the dog by the hearth
by time, tasks and tenure
their daily drill ordered
by rote and convention
they share everything
and nothing
lives as sterile
as the furrow they plough
Anni Wilton-Jones
please, send fresh works to update the "Writings" page!
A few copies of our first Pen&Ink Magazine are still available,
designed by Graham Mace and with illustrations of Sally McKenna.
You can order it- see: contact - for only € 3,- postage.
Just send us your address and include stamps.